# Okay, let's move to the main point. I just wanna share about my principle in my life during my 22nd life. When we face more days afterwards, there is more challenging life come to my life. So, I need to stay alive to create a formula or an easy guide for not only myself but to all my blog's readers too. BENDS' M+K actually stands for :
B = Berani (brave)
E = Emosi (emotion)
N = Niat (intention)
D = Disiplin (discipline)
S = Sederhana (mild)
M = Matang (matured)
K = Kaya (wealth)
*So, I just wanna show to all of you about the 's quotes that related to this formula...tada~
# Alhamdulillah~ that's all about my shares today. Let's keep a move on and just be yourself, just stand where should you stand and do not pretend as a someone that always get everything that he or she wants. You must know that it depends on your luck, when you are at the upper stage make sure don't be too proud of it because there is possibility that you'll be at the lowest stage. Last word from me is don't measure your competitors capabilities with your capabilities and believe what are you dreaming will be granted if you stand in this created formula. That's all and wassalam...>>
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