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~Sweet Mem0irs~


Thursday 1 May 2014

~Rejab Comes Back Again!!!! Let's_Fast_Together...~

<<Assalamualaikum everyone...today is the special month other than Ramadhan and Syawal. Do you know what month?? Yes,it's true..Rejab is come back. So, today (1st May 2014) is the 1st day on calendar Rejab and accidentally today is Thursday. So, why not we go fasting together?? We can get many advantages if we fasting today..if anyone who forgot to fast today, please do not be worried about this. Allah SWT always give His servant a chance to be a good. So, if we fast 7 days in this Rejab, inshaallah we'll get more benefits than we're expected.  
Riwayat Al-Thbrani dr Said b Rsyid:
“Barang siapa berpuasa sehari di bulan Rejab, ia seperti melaksana puasa setahun,bila berpuasa 7 hari maka ditutuplah untuknya pintu-pintu neraka Jahanam, apabila berpuasa 8 hari dibukakan untuknya 8 pintu syurga, apabila berpuasa 10 hari, Allah akan mengabulkan semua permintaannya.”  
And for those people who always remind his or her friends about this: "Barang siapa mengingatkan orang lain tentang ini seakan ibadah 80 tahun…"

Now, let's look at the benefits that we can get if we succeed fasting in 7 days on Rejab:
I admit that I'm fasting today. And I also feel blessing that given by Allah SWT even though I cannot make a 'Sahur'. And for those who always like to fast in Rejab, I prepared the best do'a for all of you to get a blessings from Him. Now, take a look together this do'a and remember it together :
Now, all of you know about the superiority on Rejab, right?? so, what are you waiting for? Let's increase our ibadah together and grab the advantageous on Rejab! don't forget to intent first before fasting..let's make it from now!
#That's all about my sharing today...I hope all of you can grab a chance to fast so that all of us get a special reward from Allah SWT...and before I forget, I want to wish all of you good luck for your fasting....wassalam...>>

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