Fluttershy - Diagonal Select

~Sweet Mem0irs~


Thursday 8 May 2014


and a very good day to everyone...what you wanna do during this morning?? Yes, keep your spirit up and give a wide smile towards everyone around you...look! today is the bright day to you as a sun rises same as your spirit..for those who has the unsatisfied day before or yesterday, perhaps...maybe you should let that matter past and for sure you must not do it again for the next time. Don't let yourself being in frustrating today as today is a new day, a fresh day, a happy day to you. You must think positively about what just happened to you yesterday or before this and make sure that you grab this day to be your happiness day ever. 
# Honestly, what do you think about after you really wake up from your sleep?? most of Muslims maybe think to pray 'Subuh'. What about the rest??Maybe you always heard about the best words that come from a known motivator and why they always choose a morning session to give a motivate towards others?? Yeah, it is because morning is the best time to open  a new gate in our hearts. starting a new life and a new spirit of course, make us feel very excited to learn something new and curious what will happen to us today...also not forget to give a good mood in our day today and let our mind opened, calm and relax.
Here I want share and give the inspiration for you to get the best words for your motivation today:

Jangan pernah menganggap dirimu hebat tetaplah rendah hati, karena dengan seperti itu rezeki akan menghampiri kita.

 Jangan menunggu seseorang untuk menyelesaikan masalahmu, jadilah dewasa dengan menyelesaikannya sendiri segera.

Cintailah orang tua dengan sunguh-sungguh, karena cinta orang tua tak pernah menghadirkan airmata kesedihan.

Ketika kenyataan tidak seperti yang diharapkan, yakinlah semua akan dibukakan jalannya apabila kita terus berusaha.

Selalu ada pelajaran dibalik setiap kejadian. Jangan anggap masalah sebagai musibah, tapi carilah hikmah dan jangan menyerah.

 Tuhan, indahkanlah malamku dan segarkanlah pagiku, sehatkanlah aku dan baikkanlah rezekiku.

 Jika yang Anda lakukan adalah kebaikan, maka kebaikanlah yang akan mencarikan jalan bagi Anda.

 Kita rugi satu kali saat malas, dua kali saat pesimis, dan rugi total jika kita mengumpat.

 Orang yang pandai – akan diam, mengamati, mengambil baiknya, meninggalkan yang buruk, lalu bertindak.

Patuhilah petunjuk kebaikan hidup agar nasibmu baik. Jangan risaukan takdir. Itu urusan mutlak Tuhan.
#That's all about my sharing with you today. So, please remember!!! don't let anyone judge about you but you must put your judge about something matter in main before others so it will appreciating your-self's opinion and bring your mind wide-opened, calm and healthy. Remember your close relationships with your people in your surrounding and think positively before you make something that can change your life afterwards. Last word from me, have a great day today and let's we build a calm heart today....wassalam....>>

Lyrics 'CINTA TERAGUNG' performed by Mestica

Curah air ke tebing tinggi
Tumbuh pohon indah berseri
Dahannya teguh berdaun hijau
Akar kukuh di tanah subur
Tersusun rapi tiada bertingkah
Rumpun alam seiring bersama
Itu petandan ada pencipta
Singkap tauhid pada manusia
Belayar bahtera di lautan luas
Seorang nakhoda perintah dijulang
Dua nakhoda pasti
jadi pertelingkahan
Petanda tiada dua pemerintah
Tiada dua Tuhan disembah
La ilaha illa Allah
Ya Allah

Kau yang berhak disembah

Pemerintah alam
Tempat mengadu segalanya
Tidak dilahir tidak melahirkan
Tiada setara kuasa denganMu

Padamu insan menyerah

Mohon rahmat kasihMu

Ya Rahman

Kaulah yang Maha Kuasa
Pencipta dunia yang tesergam indah
Bukti adaMu wujudlah semesta
Geraknya tersusun tiada tercela
PadaMu cinta teragung
Kaulah zat yang Esa
Tiada seperti makhluk ciptaan
Pada gambaran pasti bukan Dia 

*It's my favorite song when I want feel a peaceful in my hearts...hope all of you  also feel same as me...here I give the link to you to hear this song. www.youtube.com/watch?v=xclyYBVoo14

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